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The Kasai crisis (with MSF)

For the occasion of the exhibition Unframed, Quentin Bruno, photographer Brassage, and Léonard Pongo, photographer NOOR, went together to DRC, to develop this report cross-view. This project tells the fragile peace of Kasai province, emerging from a serious humanitarian crisis and at the heart of a political crisis punctuated by violence. In search of safety after several months of clashes and hunger crisis, where many had to flee, the inhabitants are rebuilding in a context always unstable. Cultivating each other's photographic writings, opening also to the work of the other, from color to black and white, Quentin Bruno and Léonard Pongo initiate a collaborative approach, concretizing the collaboration between Brassage and NOOR on this project.

  1.  In Lwemba, during a funeral, a woman mourns her husband surrounded by people from the village.
  2. Two siblings leaving the MSF medical center in the bush.
  3. Villagers take over the culture in the fields around Kananga.
  4. In Kananga, a procession celebrates a burial. In DRC this is synonymous with celebration.
  5. In tshibala, the sun sets on the village.
  6. In Kananga, a procession celebrates a burial. In DRC this is synonymous with celebration.
  7. A nurse cleans medical equipment in Kananga hospital.
  8. The operating room created by MSF for war wounded, closed for several months, reopens the time to operate the war wounded. A surgeon who came expressly from France oversees the operation.
  9. Psychological session following the violence in Kasaï.
  10. At the exit of Kananga, the agricultural recovery begins. So weeds are burned for better replanting.
  11.  At the exit of Kananga, a woman works in the fields.
  12.  The war wounded in Kananga hospital waiting for their turn to change the bandages.
  13. At the exit of Kananga, the agricultural recovery begins. So weeds are burned for better replanting.
  14. Kids playing in the river.
  15. Cassava is left in the water for several days before cooking.
  16. Psychological session by MSF teams following the sexual violence in Kasaï.
  17. A family in front of their house in Kananga.
  18. A waking church celebrates mass at the end of the day in the middle of the bush.
  19.  A distillery of palm alcohol in the middle of the bush.
  20. People from the village of Kananga praying during a friday afternoon.
  21.  An MSF center near tshibala to detect cases of malnutrition in children.
  22.  In Lwemba, during a funeral, the men of the village gather and play music.
  23. A mother and her son staying at the MSF base for a few days.
  24.  A man returns from the field to his house in Tshibala.
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